Saturday, July 23, 2011

The Transition.

You know you're desperate when you Google "how to grow a pair when moving halfway across the world".  And drive your friends and relatives absolutely batty with questions about international flights, culture shock, and the notion of courage.  For those of you who are still speaking to me - thank you.  No, seriously - THANK YOU.  I may not have grown a pair in time for my departure on July 14, but I've got enough support in my corner that I found myself off the stool and in the ring.

And although I kept asking myself, "What am I doing?!" in the days leading up to my flight, I was distracted by two of the most beautiful souls on the planet.  I mean, look at these faces:

 Thanks for the delighful distraction, Nicky and Natey!

And after all that angst about surviving an international flight, it really wasn't that bad.  Want some tips for moving halfway around the world?  

1.  Have your Gramps drive you to the airport.  He's one of my favorite people in the world, keeps his calm when he sees how much luggage you have, and utters soothing comments when one starts to cry in the security checkpoint line because you don't want to see him go. 

2.  Talk to strangers.  On the flight from Milwaukee to Chicago, I sat next to a man who's been teaching and living in Japan for ten years and loves it.  As a second grade teacher.  (I'm going to be teaching second grade!)  "Not to worry," he said in a comforting voice, " Even if you hate it for a few (six) months, before you know it you'll never want to go back to the States."  Ha!

3.  Fly Korean Air.  I repeat - FLY KOREAN AIR.  The flight attendants are impeccably dressed, perfectly coiffed, and smile at you consistently and without matter how sick they may get of you during that 13 hour flight.

In the airport before departure...ironically, I had the courage to act like a creeper and sneak up
from behind to get this shot but didn't have the wherewithall to ask any of them to pose for a picture. 
When you get to your seat, those lovely stewardesses will have left you slippers, a warm soft blanket, headphones, a bottle of water, and toothbrush/toothpaste.  Unfortunately, they won't be able to help you recover your self respect as it slowly erodes each time you crawl out of the window seat to take a bathroom trip.  Again.  And again.  And again.
4.  Pretend you're flying First Class.  Consult friends that are more fashion smart than you to help you choose a luxurious-looking but deceptively comfortable outfit.  Wear socks or the provided slippers to keep your toes comfy.  Consult people who actually fly First Class and find out what their strategies are.  Although this can lead to lifestyle envy, it was worth it for me in the discovery of a comforting little ritual - facial cleansing wipe followed by a nice face lotion followed by lip balm followed by body lotion on arms, hands, and neck. You may be able to trick your body into thinking that you were able to stay a little better hydrated in all that dryness!

5.  Bring Dramamine.  This is just one of the life changing suggestions made to me by the ingenious Leah Dunbar.  Stay tuned  for more.

6.  Always choose the Korean meal option.  Bibimbap anyone?  Beef over rice?  Sure beat the fake spaghetti the other poor shmucks settled for!

This would have looked more appealing had I figured out my camera settings earlier - the colors of this meal were actually pretty fantastic.  The top left container contained kimchi, there's a fruit salad to the right of that, complimentary red wine next to it, rice on the bottom right, beef bibimbap on the lower left, and seaweed soup in the middle...the only part of the meal I couldn't make myself eat.

No clue how to eat Bibimbap?  No problem.  Instructions for dummies!  I used them.
7.  Have someone pick you up. 

NOTE TO SELF:  When moving to a foreign country, it may be a good idea to arrive with some of the foreign currency already in your pocket and some phone numbers of local contacts to call in case of emergency.  That fifteen seconds of absolute terror when at first you couldn't find your name on any of the welcome signs in the receiving area?  Yeah.  You wouldn't have been so close to peeing your pants if you would have had a back- plan.

NOTE TO SELF #2:  Don't be afraid to take pictures.  Don't let fear of looking stupid keep you from capturing really cool moments with your shiny blue camera.  Walking into that vaulted receiving area, hundreds of people waiting behind a low wall planted with greens and flowers, posters and signs of welcome in all sizes and colors in the air...I've never been so happy to see "Ricki Millevolte" printed in black and white on an 8 1/2x11 piece of paper.


  1. Very, Very Brave! I am sure you will do well. The school looks amazing! Bring on the updates, It's already been a while.....

  2. Glad you made it safe and sound. Can't wait to read about your adventures! Robyn

  3. Awww, shucks, people - I just about...wait...DID come to tears just reading these new comments. Thank you for the well wishes. :) Ricki

  4. Love it!!!! You are an inspiration!!!
